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Event Details

    Updates on Health Care Reform

    Date: August 30, 2012, 11:30am – 2:00pm
    NMI Chapter
    Pacific Islands Club - Charley's Caberet
    $20 for SHRM members / $30 for non-members
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    The Society for Human Resource Management's NMI Chapter will have their general membership meeting covering the Updates on the Health Care Reform Act.  HR professionals and businesses alike are encouraged to attend this meeting to find out how the recent Supreme Court ruling on the individual mandate under the Health Care Reform Act affects the CNMI.

    Our presenters will be health care providers in our region who will cover different areas of HCRA:

    Mr. Frank Campillo, Calvo's SelectCare Plan Administrator

    Mr. Jerry Crisostomo, NetCare Insurance Plan Administrator

    Mr. Francis Santos, StayWell Insurance Plan Administrator

    Mr. Timothy Ogata, TakeCare Insurance Plan Administrator


    To reserve your seats, please contact Ms. Malou Jardinero at 234-0560 ext. 155 or e-mail or e-mail